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Sunday, 28 June 2009

Fabulous Beach Weddings - Best Woman?

When you are planning fabulous beach weddings, one of the first steps in planning is to choose who you want to be in your wedding party.  But what if your groom-to-be's best friend is a woman?

Click Here for Tips for Fabulous Beach Wedding

In years past, it was unheard of to have a woman for a best man.  In today's society, though, things are different.  A lot of men have women as their best friends, so why can't they have their best friend (even if she IS a woman!) as their best woman?


When a woman agrees to hold this very special place in her best friend's wedding, she also agrees to assume the role as a traditional best man would.  This includes giving the groom his bachelor party.  Sometimes the bachelor party and the bachelorette parties are combined, so that the best woman feels less awkward, as will the men.


The best woman also is responsible for taking care of all of the details.  She will provide the groom with emotional support.  Just like the bride, the groom will have worries and anxiety, and will need support.  She works with the maid of honor to give the bride and groom the best day of their lives!

The best woman will stand beside the groom, wearing a dress the same color as the groom's party's tuxedos, but her dress will be the style of the bridesmaids' dresses.  She will wear a corsage instead of the boutonniere that the groom's party wears.  At the wedding reception, the best woman will offer a toast and make a speech for the groom.


After the wedding is over, the best woman’s final duties will be to take the new bride and groom to their destination (the airport, a hotel, etc) after the reception.  She will take the wedding gifts to the bride and groom’s home.  She is responsible for returning the groom’s tuxedo the day after the wedding.


You should not choose your attendants because of tradition.  You should choose them because they are nearest and dearest to your (both bride's and groom's) hearts.  Your wedding day is the most important day of your life.  You should be surrounded with your closest friends.


Posted by fabbeachweddings at 1:12 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:32 PM EDT
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